Tyre Tread

What you need to know and how to check the tread on your tyres.

Tyre tread depth is one of the most common MOT failures, but you can easily avoid this by regularly checking your tyres.

Tyres are the only part of your vehicle touching the ground so having worn tyres can be dangerous and costly.  If you are stopped by the police with tyres worn below the legal limit you could get a fine of up to a £2500 (per tyre) and 3 points on your license.

What is the best way to check your tyres at home?

You should check tyre tread depth every month especially when the depth is getting to between 3 and 4mm and you must check the tread all the way across the tyre, not just on the outer edges.

You could use a tyre tread gauge which you can pick up from your local car parts supplier cheaply, however the easiest way is the 20p tyre test.

The outer band of a 20 pence piece is approximately 2mm, if you can see any of the outer band when checking using this method it’s time to change your tyres.

Check out the instructional video below for more information.

Contact us today for price and availability for your new tyres