My car is going to fail it’s MOT!

My car is going to fail it’s MOT!

MOT day

It is just about the worst day of the year, especially if you are driving an older car. 

You have convinced yourself it is going to fail, maybe you have a 6th sense or maybe history has taught you to have a negative outlook.

Either way, the MOT must be done and worrying about it isn’t going to change the outcome. 

There are a couple of simple things you can do so that the car doesn’t fail on something silly which I have listed below but our advice is to have the MOT done before you start booking any work in.

We often have customers on the phone saying, I know my car is going to fail on brakes, so I want to get those done before the MOT is due.


  • What if you have the brakes done and it fails on something else


  • What if you waited and the car didn’t fail on the brakes at all and passed the MOT

Your vehicles MOT can be carried out up to a month before the due date without losing any time on it, if it passes great but if it doesn’t there is plenty of time to get the repairs completed or make decisions about the future of the vehicle before the MOT runs out.

Quick things you can do so your car doesn’t fail on something silly.

Top up your washer bottle – If there is no water or screen wash the car will fail the MOT.

Clean the light lenses – if the light emitted is below what is stipulated by the DVSA the car will fail the MOT.