Let’s Get Ready For The Summer

Let’s Get Ready For The Summer

An image of air conditioning in a car

An often forgotten function of your vehicle (except when we have that one day in the summer that reaches a lofty 28 degree’s, like all other parts of your vehicle the air conditioning must be checked and recharged periodically.

Now is around the time to be thinking about your air conditioning before the warmer weather sets in (if it does!).

BUT did you know…

Air conditioning should be used throughout the year even in the winter?

The oil within the unit needs to be regularly circulated in order to keep the parts lubricated and prevent deterioration and leaks from occurring.

Why is aircon servicing so important?

Regularly serviced air conditioning…

  • is more reliable and less likely to suffer a major failure – saving you money
  • means any leaks are identified quickly, leaks cause harm to the environment and reduce the performance – saving you money
  • is more economical – saving you money

Contact us today to book your aircon service at our Peterborough site, to prolong the life, economy and performance of your air conditioning system.

You can call us on 01733 333 838, or alternatively, you can fill out our online contact form, and one of our friendly team will be in touch!